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FAQ questions by People on the move


  • What is HealthEmove?

HealthEmove is a digital health record that holds your health and care information. HealthEmove is a web-based application. This means that you can open HealthEmove as a website. You can open your HealthEmove no matter where you are. You choose to share your medical record with your health and care providers, your relatives or your carers. Only share your record with people you trust. With HealthEmove you can always access to your health care information, such as vaccination, medications, and diagnoses. And find information on your rights to health care and create personalized care plans.


  • Why would I share my health record?

We know that people on the move often visit new healthcare providers. But you often do not have access to your own medical data. Also you might speak a different language than your health care provider. For people it is sometimes difficult to explain their health situation to a new healthcare provider. But also to remember when you had surgery and to explain what medication you take. But this information is important for a doctor to give you better care. With HealthEmove, you can just show your HealthEmove account that can help you get better care.


  • What is Patients Knows Best?

HealthEmove is offered by software provider Patients Know Best. Represented in the Netherlands by CarePoint Netherlands B.V. which is certified as a PGO participant of MedMij. This MedMij certificate means that health data exchange is safe and trustworthy. More information about Patients Knows Best:


  • What kind of data will be held of me?

Health and care organizations that look after you already hold your medical information on paper or other computer systems. However, you almost never have access to your medical data. In HealthEmove you can decide what information you store and what information you share with trusted healthcare providers. This can help ensure you get the best care and avoid unnecessary tests and treatment.


  • Where will my (medical and personal) data be stored?

All patient data will be encrypted and stored on the data cloud used by Patients Knows Best. This cloud is secured, and only YOU can access your data. 


  • Who has access to my medical data?

HealthEmove is provided by Patients Knows Best which is a secure digital record of your personal health and care information. Be aware that Patients Knows Best cannot see or access your data. To protect the privacy and security of your data, all patient data is encrypted. Only the people you choose and invite to your personal record (e.g. your healthcare providers, family members) can see the encrypted information. This means no-one else can see your information without your explicit consent. For more information and the official privacy statement of Patients Knows Best, click here. 


  • What if I don’t have a mobile phone or a WIFI connection?

HealthEmove is a web-based application which you can access through any phone, computer or tablet with a WIFI connection. You can use a laptop at public spaces like the library or log in with your carer (family, friend) or your caregiver during consultations.


I want to delete my record

Contact HealthEmove, via We will contact Patients Know Best to delete your record.  


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